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The Fellowship Podcast


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Reflections of Christ (June 30, 2024)
Sermon from Acts 6:8-15

Prayer of the Kingdom (April 28, 2024)
When we, as citizens of the heavenly kingdom, speak about that kingdom and the king Jesus in the world, there are going to be some who are dismissive and perhaps antagonistic. Who are fine with the kingdom works, but aren't interested in kingdom words.

Starting in verse 23 of chapter four, we see how the Holy Spirit has empowered us as Jesus followers to respond to this adversity. Showing us how to pray together in gospel community in response to the hardships we face for following Jesus.

The Name of Jesus on Trial (April 21, 2024)
Continuing in Acts, we begin to see the conflict emerge from the leadership of the old temple system. Instead of rejoicing in the power of God displayed in the healing of the crippled beggar, the leaders feel the need to protect their own positions of power and influence with the people.

The truth of the matter is that the gospel of the kingdom of God doesnt sound like good news for everyone because this good news requires us to surrender our own kingdom. For some people, our own kingdom does not surrender easily.

Witnesses to the Kingdom (April 14, 2024)
Peter is going to witness to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, and in this we see how God desires to work through his people in going forth and making disciples. God has empowered us with the same indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit that Peter has, and while our situations and works and words will be different, there is for us in this passage a pattern of how to be witnesses of Jesus.

We are kingdom conduits declaring kingdom power, calling people to repentance as Gods plan for the world.

In the Name of the King (April 07, 2024)
Whether physically healed to demonstrate the glory of God, or not healed in order to display the glory of God, Jesus has secured for us everything of eternal value by His sacrificial death on the cross and in that good news we praise God whether we are physically healed or not. In Christs Kingdom, there is no limitation to his presence because of physical wholeness, but all are equally welcomed into the fullness of his presence through faith in Jesus Christ and his sacrificial death for us on the cross.

Resurrection: God's Favorite Story to Tell (March 31, 2024)
God loves rehearsing the resurrection of His Son, bringing life out of death. Its what He desires to do through you. To take the sins and trespasses of your life, all that death, devastation and destruction and bring life out of it, bring joy, peace and hope. Its Gods gift of forgiveness and eternal life for you, and the way you receive it is by trusting Him. By submitting to his good plans and purposes for you, surrendering your own lordship, waving the white flag of your own pride that leads to death. This is the work of God, to believe in the one whom God has sent. Who died for your sin and raised to life for your forgiveness and justification in his presence.

Palm Sunday King, Prophet and Priest (March 24, 2024)
While the kingship of Jesus is inescapably evident in the triumphal entry as the people shout Hosanna, Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord, there are some things that happen in Lukess description of the triumphal entry that arent talked about as much that we are going to explore together today. Well see how not only Jesus role as our King is clear in the triumphal entry, but also his role as our Prophet and his role as our Priest.

Kingdom Church (March 17, 2024)
What makes a healthy church? What are the signs of the Spirits work in those who have called upon the name of Jesus Christ? How is fellowship in the Gospel Kingdom set apart from fellowship that you might find elsewhere? How does the act of eating together fit into our fellowship and does our citizenship in the Gospel Kingdom move beyond it?

In Acts 2:42-47, we see that yes, fellowship together in the Gospel Kingdom is meant to impact our lives in several ways. The Spirit shapes us together in the devotions of our lives, what we give our time and attention to. The Spirit demonstrates his power in and through the people of the Gospel Kingdom. And the Spirit is at work in our declarations, in our praise and thankfulness for all that He has done, is doing, and will do.

Who is the Lord? (Pentecost Sermon Part 2) (March 10, 2024)
In the first part of his message, Peter told the people gathered in Jerusalem that the coming of the Holy Spirit was promised by God many years before in the Old Testament. He quoted Gods promise through the prophet Joel which ended with the assurance that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. The question that Peter now answers in the second part of his message is, who is the Lord? How you answer this question is of the utmost importance.

Words of the Spirit Explaining the Works of the Spirit (February 25, 2024)
The work of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost is an incredibly large dynamic shift in worship and one that as Christians we may take for granted. But for the Jewish people who have devoted themselves to the Mosaic Law and the Temple, its going to require Holy Spirit words in order to explain what has just happened and Holy Spirit faith in order to truly believe it.

Don't Be Distracted (February 18, 2024)
2 Timothy 2:14-19

The Power, Proclamation and Perplexity of the Holy Spirit (February 11, 2024)
On the day of Pentecost, we see God bringing together many Old Testament pictures which point to the power that the Holy Spirit is going to accomplish through faith in Jesus Christ. That same Pentecost power that was present in Acts 2 is the same Holy Spirit that dwells within us.

The Purpose and Plan of God in the Betrayal of Judas (February 04, 2024)
In this supposed "interruption" passage, we find something very important about the gospel and who God is coming to the forefront: that He is always in control. He has never lost control of a situation and will never lose control; he is never at any time wringing his hands and wondering what is going to happen. He told beforehand in the Psalms that Judas would betray Jesus and the end that would come of him. But also, that he would be replaced and that too by His sovereign hand in the casting of lots. Every detail of the gospel message has taken place according to Gods plan and purpose

The Kingdom of the Risen Jesus (January 28, 2024)
The risen Jesus takes their hope in the Fathers promises for their nation and redirects their focus towards the mission being witnesses of Christ to the world in the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus glorious exaltation to His throne to rule, we whom he has caused to be born again have been given all power and authority by Him to bear gospel witness with Holy Spirit boldness to all that He has accomplished

Is Jesus' Ministry Finished? (January 21, 2024)
While the message of the good news of forgiveness of sins and eternal life in Jesus name is complete, this royal message of pardon requires royal messengers set apart for this purpose: to bring the Kings message of good news to the world.

Extraordinary Love (January 14, 2024)
Jeff Torrans of International Student Ministries Canada, stationed at Thompson Rivers University campus in Kamloops, brings a word of exhortation from scripture on the extravagance of the love of God

What Gospel Did Paul Preach? (January 07, 2024)
Preaching from 1 Corinthians 15:1-7

The Importance of Waiting (December 31, 2023)
Dan Carlaw brings the word of God from Acts 1:12-26 and the importance of waiting on the Lord.

The Christmas Gospel (December 24, 2023)
Ive seen some pretty generous gift givers in my life, but none that comes even close to this.

Coming Soon: Peace (December 17, 2023)
"The peace that we proclaim at Christmas time is so much more far reaching than we realize, it is not only the peace of a Silent Night Holy Night where all is calm and all is bright, but the peace of being at rest with God in Jesus Christ, the God-man, come to seek and to save the lost."

Coming Soon: Joy (December 10, 2023)
"I would dare to say that Christmas for us as North Americans is an experience of happiness for many, but it is a genuine practice of joy for comparatively few. The lights, the fun, the presents, the parties, are something that can and should make people happy, however the message of Christmas is not primarily one of simply making people happy, but the purpose of Christmas is that we would have true, genuine, eternal joy. Rooted not in what is temporary, but in what is everlasting."

Coming Soon: Love (December 03, 2023)
"The answer to our understanding of God and of His love is found in the message of Christmas, that God has sent His Son into the world. Gods ways and thoughts are indeed higher than ours so what does God do? He came down to the earth in the person of Jesus Christ."

Coming Soon: Hope (November 26, 2023)
There are many people who come into the picture in the Old Testament who because of how God worked in and through them, the people hope may be the fulfillment of Gods promises. People like David, Solomon, Abraham, Noah, and Moses, and while God did miraculous things through these people, they turned out not to be the one God had promised. But they point us forward and served to show us what Gods promised one would look like.

God Makes His People Holy (November 19, 2023)
Obedience to the law of Moses is a battle of the will weakened by frail and fickle humanity. Our own desire to be set apart for God may last for a time, but is not sufficient to be completely set apart for God.

The Cost of Kingdom Building (November 13, 2023)
This is what is needed in order to cross the finish line of being a disciple of Jesus. It is the sobering reality of what it means to truly follow Jesus, to finish what was begun. The good news is that the builder who sits and considers the cost will never regret anything that may be given up in order to reach the finish line because anyone who gives up will receive in abundance all that is needed from the Father who loves and cherishes all who are in His Son.

God Makes His People Rejoice (November 12, 2023)
As were drawing to a close in Nehemiah, we see now that God has caused this city to be rebuilt and now that he has brought a revival and recommitment to his people to walk in his ways, and now the good work of filling up the city begins. But were also going to see what the city of God is like today and how Jesus has changed forever what it means to be part of Gods kingdom.

Blessing the Everlasting God (November 05, 2023)
A covenant that doesnt rely on our ability, but relies on faith, faith not that I will win, but that He has already won. Do I still need to confess sin? Absolutely. Do I still bless the Lord for His goodness? Yes. But instead of me trying in vain over and over to be perfect through my own self determination, I rely in faith on the power and presence of the Holy Spirit that lives inside of me to do that work and I just have to submit what it is God is doing.

Resurrection Fellowship (October 31, 2023)
We all have a tendency to treat our gathering together as the church as something routine; it is routine in that our gathering is at a regularly scheduled time on the same day every week. But we must not fall into the trap of confusing a routine meeting with a routine message. Our meeting is routine, but our message is anything but.

Rebuilding God's People (October 29, 2023)
God empowers and protects his people to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. The work that God is interested in doing through His people is about more than physical bricks and mortar, its about the kind of building that takes place in His people spiritually.

Who is Jesus? (October 23, 2023)
Is Jesus an excellent teacher, leader, and strategist? Is he the greatest influencer to ever have walked the earth? Is he compassionate and humble, loving and kind? Is Jesus the worker of incredible signs and miracles? He is all of these things and more, but on what foundation and by what confession is the kingdom of Christ built?

Certainty in Uncertainty (October 17, 2023)
You could argue that we are all building our life upon something, a worldview or set of values, but here, Jesus is narrowing his focus to address a very specific group: those who have heard his words. And what he wants those who have heard his words to know and to take intentional time to consider, are the results of what we choose to do with his words.

Fellowship Podcast Trailer (October 16, 2023)
An introduction to the Fellowship Podcast for new visitors

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Remember the Lord, Great and Awesome (October 15, 2023)
Sometimes we give up too easily when the work that God is doing among us is opposed so fiercely. We may say to ourselves that maybe we heard God wrong and that God is against what we are doing because there is such opposition. But opposition alone doesnt mean that you are not walking in the will of God.

The Good Hand of God (October 08, 2023)
The God who hears is not unable or unwilling to act on behalf of his people in the ruin. Chapter two changes from focusing on the God who hears to focus on the God whose hands are at work on behalf of those serving among the ruins who call Him Father.

Who is God in the Ruins (October 01, 2023)
Nehemiah isnt without hope, but comes before God continually in his mourning and distress in fasting and prayer.

September 24th Livestream Service (September 24, 2023)
September 24, 2023

Putting on Love (August 13, 2023)
c.There are many things that may wittingly, or unwittingly be attached to the gospel to make some kind of Jesus+ because people may believe that Jesus isnt enough. But Jesus Christ is absolutely central and our calling is not to add to him or take anything away from him, but to walk in Him with thanksgiving because he has shown us what true love is, that while we were his enemies, didnt care a thing for him, hostile towards him, even when we were in that state, Christ died for us. Laying himself down for our benefit. That is the kind of love we are called to have for one another, the love of Christ.

Putting on the New Creation (August 06, 2023)
Putting on the new creation means a change in behavior, a transformation that takes place when what is earthly is put to death. Having been put to death, and raised to life with Christ is going to have an effect on behavior. And we should never confuse those two things. We sell the gospel short and create a new form of legalism if all we are about is behavior modification without faith in Christ and what He has accomplished. Putting on the New Self with its new behaviors means that the Old Self and its behaviors have been dealt with through faith in Jesus.

Putting on Christ (July 30, 2023)
5.We have a need for covering. Before God, our sin guilt and shame are exposed and will be dealt with. The more we learn about what God has said in his law the more we should be aware of our inability to measure up to all that God is and requires. We can be very creative in our solutions, in creating our own covering for ourselves based on our own righteousness, but it only works so long as we keep looking at one another, but when we look at God we see our need to be covered. Just as God provided covering for Adam and Eve, so he has provided a covering for our sin, guilt and shame and it is a covering that is far greater than what Adam and Eve received. We are called to put on Christ by faith and that when our identity is found in Him, we have unity and peace with God and with one another as fellow heirs of life.

Stand Firm in Living Hope - 1 Peter 5:12-14 (July 23, 2023)
"Now, in these last verses of 1 Peter we are told explicitly the reason why this letter was written in the first place. To exhort and declare the true grace of God, and the call to stand firm in it. And we are going to spend the majority of our time together in the Word exploring what the true grace of God is the importance of standing firm in it."

Living Hope in Humility - 1 Peter 5:5-11 (June 25, 2023)
A sermon from 1 Peter exploring the Holy Spirit breathed out word to us, calling us as Gods people to humility. And from that posture of humility, there are two other callings that spring out from it: one is the call to be sober-minded and watchful, and the other is to stand firm. As we move forward as Christ-followers we do so being humble, being watchful, and standing firm in the faith.

Shepherds of Living Hope - 1 Peter 5:1-5 (June 19, 2023)
"God has given to His church the role of elder as we walk in the way of Christ. Elders are called to shepherd the church and to do it well and Peter is going to outline what bad eldership and what good eldership is as well as the reward for good shepherding."

Living Hope through Fire - 1 Peter 4:12-19 (June 11, 2023)
Today, as we continue in 1 Peter chapter four, we are going to see why such hospitality and love among one another are so critically important for us as brothers and sisters in Christ, sojourning in this world. Because sometimes, we walk the path of Christ in the midst of great difficulty, through trials and sufferings because we do not belong to this world, but belong to the kingdom where Jesus rules. Here, Peter led by the Spirit describes this reality as the fiery trial which we ought to expect to be the standard experience of those who follow Christ, as he experienced trial, so too will we to some degree.
God has great concern for his children as we walk through the midst of trial, he cares deeply about that, but what may strike us as odd is that in the midst of trials, Gods concern is not lead Him to remove you from the trial or the trial from you, but to ensure that when you experience trial, that you experience it rightly. There is a right way and a wrong way to experience trials. When we do experience trial as followers of Jesus who are exiles in this world, our role is to ensure that we suffer according to Gods will as people who entrust ourselves to our faithful Creator while doing good.

The Gifts of Living Hope - 1 Peter 4:7-11 (June 04, 2023)
Previously, the life of salt and light in Christ was described in terms of the things we dont do (the things that are against the will of God: drunkenness, sensuality, etc.) now we are brought to what walking in the will of God looks like in the things we do. And it starts out being framed in a very interesting way

Living Hope in the Will of God - 1 Peter 4:1-6 (May 28, 2023)
Now as we move into chapter four of 1 Peter, the Spirit highlights the relevance of the challenges of living for God in a hostile world and the living hope that we have of walking in the will of God. And one of the conclusions made is one that runs contrary to our typical pattern of thinking and that is, the one who experiences hardships in this world demonstrates that they have put sin away, that we would no longer live for our human passions but for the will of God even when it hurts.

Living Hope in Obedience - 1 Peter 3:18-22 (May 21, 2023)
In this section, the Spirit turns our attention to Christ and his bearing of hostility as he walked in obedience to the will of the Father. He is the ultimate example of what Peter had described last week when we saw in verse 17, For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be Gods will, than for doing evil.

Living Hope in Trials - 1 Peter 3:13-17 (May 14, 2023)
The big question of submission to human institutions, whether government or employers or in marriage, or submitting to one another in love as the church, the big tension that can raise in our minds is what if that person or people that I have wilfully placed myself under is actually hostile towards me? Does God still want me to wilfully place myself under such people? Will such an arrangement still be for His glory and for our good?

Living Hope for Justice - 1 Peter 3:8-12 (April 30, 2023)
Here, we come to the end of the household code section where Peter addresses how the whole church, the gospel community, how we are to interact with one another in Christ. What is the character of the gospel community? What is the churches conduct? How does our understanding of the message of the gospel give hope to this character and conduct?

Living Hope in Marriage - 1 Peter 3:1-7 (April 23, 2023)
"The love and respect that we have for one another as husband and wife is a profound expression of Christ and the church, its a picture of the gospel, of a people redeemed by the self-sacrifice of God, a self-sacrifice that husbands are to exemplify."

Living Hope in Unjust Treatment - 1 Peter 2:18-25 (April 16, 2023)
"This household code 1 Peter has the theme of being subject strewn throughout in our relationships in this world. Though we are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, we are called to meekness, in spite of these great blessings to willfully place ourselves beneath others as Jesus did, in order to bring the message of eternal life to all."

Resurrection Peace, Gladness, Mission & Power (April 09, 2023)
This testimony greatly annoyed the religious leaders. This confession the apostles gave with great power and great grace came up them. This witness caused people to mock Paul. This truth is what Paul sought to attain by any means possible. Through this, we have been caused to be born again. This future event is what we are destined for, and it is blessed and holy. For all who believe this message, it will be counted to them as righteousness, just like it was to Abraham. To all who confess this truth and believe in their heart, they will walk in newness of life. And this testimony, this confession, this message, this witness, this truth is the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

The Foolish Power of the Cross (April 07, 2023)
Heres the interesting thing about the cross: God never tones down the foolishness of the cross in the eyes of the world. God never attempts to explain the cross in ways that appeal to human wisdom; never. He never tries to convince the world that cross isnt foolishness.

Palm Sunday (April 02, 2023)
Dan Carlaw, our District Superintendent of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada - Canadian Pacific District joins us to bring an update and a Palm Sunday message.

Living Hope in Freedom - 1 Peter 2:13-17 (March 26, 2023)
"Peter has no problem putting the command to be subject to human authority and the exhortation to live in freedom. He sees no tension there as we might see one. Because in Christ we have been set free, free from the powers of sin and death and we are servants of God; through faith in Christ, we are free, who the Son sets free is free indeed. "

Called to a Living Hope - 1 Peter 2:9-12 (March 12, 2023)
" we come to 1 Peter 2:9-12, were going to see this pattern emerge in the calling that we have received in Christ: that on the day when God caused us to be born again to the living hope of Jesus resurrection, we received wonderous riches in Christ, the purpose of these riches in Christ is to bring a response to Christ in what we say and in how we live, and that response to Christ manifests a revelation of Christ. We are going to explore and worship together the Riches, Response & Revelation that are such fundamental realities of our spiritual life as followers of Jesus."

Built Up In Living Hope - 1 Peter 2:4-8 (March 05, 2023)
"... as living stones chosen and precious to God because of Christ, will experience suffering at the hands of evil men, but what does God say about Jesus suffering? It says that God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it. Suffering is part of being living stones, but so is resurrection and so is victory. The same Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in you and dwells in me through faith."

A Living Hope in Love - 1 Peter 1:22-2:3 (February 26, 2023)
"... what we're born through characterizes what were born to. If you are born through the perishable seed, you are born to a perishable inheritance, but if you are born again through the imperishable seed of word of God, youre born again to an imperishable inheritance. The living hope of Jesus resurrection is established in us through the living and abiding word of God."

A Living Hope in Holiness - 1 Peter 1:13-21 (February 19, 2023)
"There is nothing that God has commanded you to do or to be that he has not empowered to happen by the Holy Spirit, he will not call you and then not equip you. But we must walk in obedience to his good commands acknowledging that they are promises. We will be holy, because He is holy."

The Promise of Living Hope - 1 Peter 1:10-12 (February 12, 2023)
"We today possess a far greater revelation than the prophets, we have the truth which they so earnestly searched and inquired to know: the person of Jesus Christ and the time of His first coming."

Living Hope for the Present - 1 Peter 1:6-9 (January 29, 2023)
The living hope for the future has a present effect in all who have been caused to be born again. The present effect is that we are able to rejoice in so great a future even in spite of present trials and testing.

Living Hope for the Future - 1 Peter 1:3-5 (January 22, 2023)
"Life as an elect exile is not without its difficulties. Our heavenly Father knows this and wants his children to focus our attention and affection, not on finding hope only in this world, but in remembering the wonderful promises of the inheritance of the saints that is to come. The genuine hope for the elect exiles does not come just from the hope of living on this earth, but from the living hope of Jesus in His resurrection from the dead."

Living Hope in Exile - 1 Peter 1:1-2 (January 15, 2023)
Sermon at North Shuswap Christian Fellowship Church, British Columbia. January 15, 2023

Drawing Near to God in Leviticus (January 08, 2023)
"The book of Leviticus isnt many Christians favorite book of the Bible. There are many concepts and ideas that we dont really understand or find to be particularly practical in our day and age which we live... However, in this book of the Torah we find the fundamental teachings on holiness (both Gods holiness and the requirement to be holy), purity, and what it means to love our neighbor as ourselves (holiness in God's redeemed community)."

New Years Day Message (January 01, 2023)
"Maybe you have a spiritual resolution for the new year. You want to commune with God more by hearing his Word or through prayer, or feel led to step out and serve Him in some way in 2023 but you want to make sure youre doing so in the right way, in spirit and truth. How do we grow in our love for Christ in having some kind of plan or goal without those plans and goals taking over and becoming legalistic? How do we know were worshiping in spirit and truth?"

Christmas Day Message (December 25, 2022)
Christmas Day

Christmas Eve Service (December 24, 2022)
Christmas Eve

Prepare the Way for Joy (December 18, 2022)
"Today were going to look at how joy is different from happiness, some of the promises of joy that God gave in the Old Testament through Isaiah, and how the joy of the gospel of the Christmas child fulfills these promises for today."

Prepare the Way for Peace (December 14, 2022)
December 11th Livestream

Prepare the Way for Love (December 04, 2022)
"We did not initiate the love of God, but God so loved. As a result, you cant out-love Christ any more than you could have earned his love in the first place while you were still a sinner. As God promised in the Old Testament, Christ has displayed the love of God freely given in such a way that has profound effect on the lives of those who believe."

Prepare the Way for Hope (November 27, 2022)
"As weve lit the advent candle this morning, we remember that Christmas is a season of hope. Its a season of hope from the past that is a guarantee of hope for the future. Because of the first coming of Jesus Christ in a time of great darkness, we have hope for His future return even in times of great darkness and that he will preserve his children until that time."

November 20th Message (November 20, 2022)
Pastor John Giesbrecht on Acts 10

Ruth 4:13-22 (November 13, 2022)
"As we come to a close in the book of Ruth, we want to look at the overall picture of what has happened here with Naomi and Ruth, how at the beginning we were introduced to a family in complete and utter despair, but who in their bitterness entrusted themselves to the LORD and now have seen His plan of redemption come to fruition in the birth of Ruth and Boaz son Obed."

Ruth 4:1-12 (November 06, 2022)
"In this part of the story of Ruth, we see a picture of our Advocate and our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Who, just like Boaz, advocates on our behalf with something that we in our own human nature do not possess, that is perfect, sinless, righteousness."

Ruth 3:1-18 (October 30, 2022)
"We rejoice in the provision, protection, and personal fellowship provided to Ruth and Naomi by Boaz but acknowledge the need for the perseverance that can only come by a complete redemption. A redemption that begins taking shape as we enter into chapter three where we see the plan of redemption, the promise of redemption, and persuasion of redemption."

Ruth 2:14-23 (October 23, 2022)
"In the Old Testament kinsmen redeemer, we see this vivid picture of our Redeemer Jesus Christ through whom we have been made and who has the desire and the means of securing our redemption."

Ruth 2:8-13 (October 16, 2022)
"Ruth had left her homeland, people, and family and had sought refuge under the wings of the God of Israel, and Boaz is the practical, tangible expression of that refuge. As we look into these things, we see a profound picture of Jesus Christ who likewise initiates with people in the desire to see them come to fellowship with Him and with those in his household."

Ruth 2:1-7 (October 09, 2022)
Sermon Series

Ruths Covenant and a Bitter Return (October 02, 2022)
"The cross of Christ, the cross we are called to carry in His name, is both Naomi and Mara, it both pleasant and bitter. It is pleasant as the forgiveness of sins for the world, it is where God has said our souls will find rest. But it is also bitter in the reality that this is what sin against the eternal God deserves, His wrath poured out on rebellion, transgress and injustice; we need to grasp that until sin is bitter, Christ will never be sweet."

The Old Nature of Sin and the New Nature in Christ (September 25, 2022)
This Sunday we are joined by guest preacher Zachary Hall who shares with us how faith in Jesus Christ, the message of the gospel, changes our essential nature.

Zachary Hall is a third-year student at Millar College of the Bible and also serves at the Chase campus of Shuswap Community Church.

Seeking a Home by Faith - Ruth 1:6-14 (September 19, 2022)
While from all exterior and visible explanation, returning home is the most logical route to go, and yet in her two daughters-in-law we see two different returns as one does indeed return home, but the other does not. She chooses instead to return with Naomi to a land foreign to her, whose people she does not know and in so doing demonstrates for us a visible picture of what it means to walk by faith and not by sight.

Sorrow Upon Sorrow - Ruth 1:1-5 (September 11, 2022)
What we see as we consider the suffering of Naomi is the sovereign hand of God at work to bring about a great salvation for his people through the birth of King David and David is going to be a shadow of the savior to come: our King, Jesus Christ.

Caring Fellowship & Families (September 04, 2022)
The family in its most basic elements is crawling with theological significance as reflections of Gods character, nature, and plan of redemption.

Compassionate Service (August 28, 2022)
...each one of us who has believed in Christ has received a gift in the Holy Spirit, and that gift is not primarily for the purpose of building up the individual but is for the purpose of building up the Body of Christ; the gift is for the purpose of serving others.

Courageous Mission (August 21, 2022)
We as a church do not support Gods mission, rather, Gods mission has a church through which He works. Gods mission is the proclamation of his Son Jesus Christ and reconciliation with Him through faith in Him. When we look at the overarching message of the bible, we see that this has been Gods mission since the beginning.

Call to Prayer (August 14, 2022)
We may be able to wrap our heads around the idea of being reconciled with God and having a restored relationship with Him because of Jesus sacrifice on our behalf and his resurrection from the dead in theory, in a transactional sense. The innocent dying for the guilty so that the guilty would be declared innocent in the sight of God. But prayer goes beyond the transactional and into the relational and transformational.

Christ-Centered Worship (August 07, 2022)
Paul usually addresses religiously Jewish people in the synagogues as he goes from town to town, but here in Acts 17:22-31 he addresses a crowd that is profoundly polytheistic. Pauls usual methods of preaching Christ wont be as impactful as they are among the Jewish people, so what is he going to emphasise? What does the Spirit lead him to address first and foremost? Worship

Commitment to the Word of God (July 31, 2022)
As much as creation can declare to us the incredibly awesome power of God, there are things that creation is unable to tell us about who God is, and in the abundance of his mercy, grace, and love, God has spoken in order to reveal his character and his works of salvation.

The Works of God in Regeneration (July 24, 2022)
Sermon given by NSCF church member and former Pastor Mike Lewis

A Progression of Faith (July 17, 2022)
Sermon given by guest preacher Andy deHoog, Executive Pastor of Shuswap Community Church

Personal Relationship with Christ (July 10, 2022)
Sermon from Martin Perren, District Superintendent of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada - Canadian Pacific District

Knowing Jesus Christ and Making Him Known (July 03, 2022)
Sermon on the Purpose of North Shuswap Christian Fellowship from Matthew 22:34-40

The God Sustained Cycle of Selflessness (June 26, 2022)
Philippians Series: Jesus - Others

Rejoicing in the Rest of Jesus (June 19, 2022)
Philippians Sermon Series

Why Don't Christians Obey All the Old Testament Laws? (June 16, 2022)
The law has been nailed to the cross of Christ; He has come to fulfill the law and the prophets (Matthew 5:17). We are no longer under the curse of the law, but at the same time acknowledge that the law is good (1 Timothy 1:8) and that all scripture is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16).

Missions Visit from Adult & Teen Challenge BC (June 12, 2022)
"Today the one-time rural preacher is known as the founder of a international drug rehabilitation program called Teen Challenge that has one of the highest success rates anywhere in the world. Since its first center opened in New York in 1960, Teen Challenge has grown to over 1400 locations in 129 countries." (

Missions Visit from Jack Knight of Athletes in Action (June 05, 2022)
"We encourage athletes to think critically about their identity and place within the world of sport. Through the integration of faith, life, and sport we believe each person can experience a victory beyond competition." (

God's Mission, Message and Medicine for the Nations (May 29, 2022)
In Revelation 21-22 we see that the light of Gods glory is not only a light for some nations, but for all nations; that in the final day, the glory of the nations will be on display in worship; and that the tree of life in the midst of the city of God will be for the healing of the nations.

Stand Firm - Stick Together - Support One Another (May 22, 2022)
Philippians 4:1-3

A Call to Imitation in a World of Invention (May 15, 2022)
Philippians 3:17-21

The Church: Non-Perfect People Pressing to the Prize of Christ (May 08, 2022)
Philippians Series

Losing Legalism for the Gain of Christ (May 01, 2022)
Legalism is a thief of joy in the Lord. It says "do" when Christ has said "it is finished". True joy is found by faith in the knowledge that my ability to stand in the presence of God with confidence is because I stand in Jesus.

Living Illustrations: Epaphroditus (April 24, 2022)
The pattern of love for others laid out by Jesus in Philippians 2 and emphasized in the Easter season is now picked up and demonstrated for us in the person of Epaphroditus. Christ is the victor who has accomplished salvation on behalf of all who believe in his name, but he is also the example by which we walk.

He is Risen! (April 17, 2022)
Easter Series 2022

Son to a Criminal, Criminal to a Son (April 15, 2022)
Easter Series 2022

Holy Week From the Heights of Hope (April 10, 2022)
Easter Series 2022

Living Illustrations: Timothy (April 03, 2022)
Philippians Series

Exchanging Grumbling for Gladness, Serving Others in Christ (March 27, 2022)
"The ongoing call is to keep our eyes focused on that greater salvation that has been won for us by the blood of Jesus Christ and when we believe that God is in control of our salvation we also trust he is also in control of our situation and we have no need to grumble."

Salvation Received in Christ and Worked Out with Others (March 20, 2022)
When love when welcoming and when forgiveness are lacking in our relationships towards one another we have to understand that a part of the reason is that in those moments weve lost sight of the abundant love welcoming and forgiveness which we have received in Christ.

The Supremacy of Jesus Christ in Considering Others (March 14, 2022)
As the Spirit produces His fruits and as we make an effort to have the mind of considering others first by following Jesus ultimate example we must remember this critical addition that Paul made which is 'yours in Christ Jesus.' It is already yours. How is it already yours? It is only through His victory that we can hope to have this mind among ourselves at all.

Barnabas: A Good Man of Encouragement (March 08, 2022)
Barnabas was a good man full of the Holy Spirit and faith he was approachable accessible he allowed for differences of opinions he had an attitude of consistency he had the ability to seek others success and he abounds in generosity.

The Many Joys of Communion with Christ Completed by Community (February 28, 2022)
As we begin Philippians 2 we are exhorted by God as he speaks through Paul to make His joy complete by living in unity in demonstrations of the sacrificial love which Christ exemplified laying down our own ambitions and considering others as more significant than ourselves and looking to their interests not just ours.

Standing and Striving in Salvation and Suffering (February 20, 2022)
Life as a citizen has its privileges and responsibilities so too does citizenship in the kingdom and the call is to carry ourselves in a manner that is worthy of the Gospel. To live in a way that reflects the forgiveness redemption and reconciliation that we have received in Christ.

The Labor of Love for the Glory of Christ (February 13, 2022)
Through Pauls struggle with life and death he comes out the other side of it with a conviction that he will remain and that his remaining has a purpose it is not simply for the sake of being alive but it is for others.

A Hope for the Future and Reason to Rejoice in Affliction (February 06, 2022)
What kind of deliverance should we be expecting when we experience hardships? Is it a prosperity gospel that says if you pray hard enough youll have a get out jail free card? Paul describes deliverance with a few key ideas shame and honor and life and death.

Loving the Glory of Jesus More Than Your Own (January 30, 2022)
"We are not freed by Christ to pursue our own glory but we are freed from pursuing our own glory and can fully and finally find lasting joy in Christ to the point that it doesnt matter if we are slandered so long as His glory is going forth."

Submission and Civil Disobedience: Where is the Line? (January 27, 2022)
"We are not called to 100% full unquestioning obedience to the governing authority because there are instances where that would mean disobedience to God and at the same time were not called to 100% disobedience to governing authority because that would also mean disobedience to God and what he has established. But where is the line?"

Paying the Cost of Christ for the Sake of Others (January 24, 2022)
The work that God gave Paul to do in speaking the Gospel put him in places we find undesirable i.e. prison none of us would desire to be put into a prison particularly for so unjust a reason as telling people about the love of God displayed in Jesus. Yet as Paul pays this price of proclaiming Christ he can do so with joy because He knows that even in this God is at work in others.

The Fruit of Gospel Participation (January 16, 2022)
"...the foundation of his thanksgiving and his joy in their Gospel partnership does not finally and fully rest on their achievements, but on Christ’s accomplishment of their faith."

Servants, Saints & Sons and Daughters (January 09, 2022)
Philippians 1:1-2

The Beginning of the Greatest Act of Humility in All of the History of the Universe (December 24, 2021)
Christmas Eve Message

A Less "Massy" Christmas: The Moderated Mass of a Marvelous Message (December 22, 2021)
"As we remember the coming of Christ in the Christ Mass, we recognize that even though the Mass is moderated, the Message is marvellous."

His Name Will Be: Prince of Peace (December 20, 2021)
Advent Series

Attuned to Joy (December 13, 2021)
Our District Superintendent for the Evangelical Free Church of Canada brings the message of Joy from the Word of God

His Name Will Be: Mighty God (December 06, 2021)
Advent Series

His Name Will Be: Wonderful Counselor (November 29, 2021)
This Advent series focuses on the names given to the Promised Child in Isaiah 9:6

Answer Me! (Psalm 13) (November 21, 2021)
Psalms Series

Deliver My Soul! (Psalm 22) (November 14, 2021)
Psalms Series

Forgiven and Forgiving (Matthew 18:21-35) (November 08, 2021)
November 7, 2021

I Will Confess! (Psalm 32) (October 31, 2021)
The Psalms have been a source of comfort and strength for us and for followers of Christ throughout history and we’re going to explore throughout this series how this songbook of the Old Testament continues to provide comfort and strength to us.

Snowmobiling - A Lesson in Discipleship (October 26, 2021)
What does a snowmobiling excursion in the back mountains of British Columbia have to teach us about Jesus' command to go and make disciples? Have a listen and find out.

Hear My Cry! (Psalm 5) (October 24, 2021)
The Psalms have been a source of comfort and strength for us and for followers of Christ throughout history and we’re going to explore throughout this series how this songbook of the Old Testament continues to provide comfort and strength to us.

The Beauty of Letting the Dead Things Go: Eternal Hope in the Changing Seasons of Life (October 19, 2021)
We can let the dead things go because we trust in God’s immutable, unchangeable-ness and the greatness of the Gospel that promises resurrection, eternal life even after death.

Keep Your Servant! (Psalm 19) (October 17, 2021)
The Psalms have been a source of comfort and strength for us and for followers of Christ throughout history and we’re going to explore throughout this series how this songbook of the Old Testament continues to provide comfort and strength to us.

New Dividing Walls: Vaccines, the Church, and Killing the Hostility (October 14, 2021)
Jesus has broken down the dividing wall of hostility that existed between us, let us not rebuild in it’s place a dividing wall of any kind. There is no issue that surpasses the peace that Christ purchased with His blood on the cross.

Enter His Gates! (Psalm 100) (October 10, 2021)
The Psalms have been a source of comfort and strength for us and for followers of Christ throughout history and we’re going to explore throughout this series how this songbook of the Old Testament continues to provide comfort and strength to us.

Bonus: The Steadfast Love of God (October 07, 2021)
His love is steadfast, not because we have been so awesome as to earn and keep God’s love, but because of HIS steadfast love. God’s love is abundant, God’s love extends beyond the realms of what we think possible, God’s love is everlasting, His mercies are new every morning because we need it; because we can’t perfectly uphold our side of the covenant. Great is thy faithfulness.

Make A Joyful Noise! (Psalm 98) (October 03, 2021)
The Psalms have been a source of comfort and strength for us and for followers of Christ throughout history and we’re going to explore throughout this series how this songbook of the Old Testament continues to provide comfort and strength to us.

Praise the LORD, O My Soul! (Psalm 146) (September 28, 2021)
The Psalms have been a source of comfort and strength for us and for followers of Christ throughout history and we’re going to explore throughout this series how this songbook of the Old Testament continues to provide comfort and strength to us.

The Gospel and the Tabernacle (September 28, 2021)
Peter Mitchell comes from Millar College of the Bible to lead us through the tabernacle and show how all the elements ultimately point to Christ.

Where Does Our Help and Hope Come From? (September 27, 2021)
This is a selection from a sermon on Psalm 146

Eden Undone (September 23, 2021)
This is a selection from our message on John 20:11-18.